what do you think about election by jury (www.electionbyjury.org) instead? this does a few nice things:

1. ensures demographic accuracy because the service is mandatory. demographic weighting algorithms can help but aren't nearly as accurate and are quite complicated.

2. allows you to pick the "best and brightest" because "average" people are generally capable of identifying aptitude, irrespective of their ideological position.

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Great article John, you make a compelling argument. I’ve heard that state legislatures back in the colonial and early America days were much larger (relative to their population), and representatives were often coming and going. This idea of sortition for the Governors Council would, I think, bring a much needed democratic, representative flare that seems to be lacking from state gov these days. While you’ve sold me on the theory, I do have some practical questions.

I might have missed it, but how large would this council be with sortition? I imagine to get a truly representative sampling you would need to get a good amount of bodies in there. Otherwise you run the risk of getting lopsided demographics.

Also how would this work with people’s jobs? Will you have to be pulled out of work like for jury duty, or can you participate while maintaining work responsibilities? What are the qualifications to be selected for this (age/residency/citizen requirements?) Would it help if at least one member of the council has passed the Massachusetts Bar to help guide their fellow members through areas of legal concerns?

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